Lines Of Destiny A Sailor Moon/Ranma 1/2 Crossover By Louis-Philippe Giroux Sailor Moon was created by Naoko Takeuchi and Ranma 1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi. Please don't sue me. Chapter 1 "When the Kin of Silence joins the Daughter of Earth, the Circle Of Planets shall be complete once more." - Last prophecy spoken by the royal seer before the destruction of the Moon Kingdom. Mamoru Chiba woke up with a start from another one of those dreams. In those dreams, he was Endymion, the Prince of Earth, in the past. The dreams had had nothing special in them until he started seeing a certain girl on a regular basis. In the dreams, the young girl, wearing a sailor fuku, ran up to him, her face shadowed and her hair whipping in the wind, but each time he was about to see her face, he woke up. *She seems so familiar and yet I can't place her. I wonder who she is... and why she's wearing a Senshi uniform.* Mamoru got up and went to his bedroom window. The air outside was cool and refreshing. Tomorrow afternoon, he would be able to see his Usako again. He had been away for two weeks on a special school assignment and he was sure Usagi was dying to see him again by now. He shook his head and smiled. Usagi had thrown a fit when she had learned he would leave for two weeks and it had taken Makoto and Minako working together (with a few flaming comments from Rei) to unlatch her from him so he could take his train. He had promised her he would think about her as long as he would be away. But his thoughts drifted back to the mysterious girl of his dreams. She was important somehow, but how could he find out who she was if she kept disappearing all the time? Was she a Sailor Senshi as well? Maybe he should ask Rei or Luna to help him with this. He especially didn't want Usagi to find out he had been having visions of another woman, even a possible Senshi; she would probably take it the wrong way. Mamoru sighed and went back to sleep. If the dream *did* mean something, he would find out eventually. *** In Nerima, the atmosphere inside the Tendo Dojo was unusually solemn and quiet, meaning there were no superpowered martial artists seeking the death of Ranma Saotome or the hand in marriage of Akane Tendo (or vice-versa), and with any luck, everything would be quiet from now on (to the great relief of the local insurance companies), because today, Ranma Saotome and Akane Tendo were finally getting married and thus putting a stop once and for all to the madness which plagued Nerima. After the first bombed (litterally) attempt at a wedding, Ranma had finally gathered the courage to profess his love to Akane. It is needless to say that the other suitors had not been happy at this developpement. Ukyo Kuonji had been heartbroken at the news, but Konatsu (secretly helped by Ranma) was slowly beginning to pick up the pieces. Shampoo had been another matter: knowing full well that Shampoo would not rest until Akane was dead, Ranma decided to go behind her back and help Mousse train so he could defeat Shampoo by himself and rightfully earn her hand in marriage. It hadn't been easy, but after Ranma convinced Mousse that knocking Shampoo out was the only way he would gain her hand in marriage and a few lost challenges later, Mousse had finally managed to sucker-punch Shampoo. After that, Cologne had been forced to agree that Mousse was now Shampoo's rightful husband and Shampoo had (very reluctantly) stopped pursuing Ranma. Ryoga had been another unhappy suitor. After Akane had told him that she loved Ranma, Ryoga had gone on a berserker rage and tried to kill Ranma, but Fate had miraculously intervened in the shape of Akari Unryuu. Akari somehow managed to calm Ryoga before he could level Nerima with a Full Shishihokodan and convinced him to marry her as soon as possible. That day, Ranma truly believed in miracles. As for the Kunos, Ranma had made sure Tatewaki was in the hospital for the wedding day and Akane had managed to convince the psychiatric hospital to internalize Kodachi, not that it had been very hard... After merely a few example of her sanity (or lack of), the doctors had readily agreed she was a prime test subject for the new personality-supressing drugs they were testing. "By the powers invested in me... " Ranma and Akane were standing face to face, Ranma clad in a tuxedo and Akane in a wedding Kimono. They had decided to go with a western wedding again because since both their families were worried about another interruption (despite the precautions taken), they were anxious at having the ceremony as short as possible. "I now pronounce you man and wife!" To Ranma's surprise, Akane initiated liplock with him before the priest even gave the signal, but he didn't nmind and soon gave as good as he got. They were pulled out from their dream-like state by the whistles of their families. "Way to go, Akane!" said Nabiki. Soun and Genma were dancing around. "At last, Saotome! Our families are joined! Our dreams have come true!" Soun was wailing tears of joy and Genma rapidly guided him outside so he would not ruin the house again with yet another flood. Nodoka turned to Kasumi. "Your father is quite emotional, isn't he?" "Yes, he is," replied the ever-cheerful elder Tendo sister. "And for once, I think he deserves to be emotional. He has been waiting for this for a long time." Genma had just come back inside the house when Nodoka turned to Ranma. "What are your plans now, son?" Ranma looked at Akane with a smile. "Akane and I have decided to go to college together. We plan to go to Mizuharo University in Tokyo (author's note: I made it up). It will be perfect for both of us. "And you'll be able to have some privacy, eh boy?" said Genma with a grin plastered all over his face. Ranma and Akane both blushed beet red. "Mister Saotome! Please!" said Akane, trying to sound scandalized, and only partially succeeding. "Now, now, dear" chided Nodoka. "Don't embarass them like that." "The only problem right now is that even though we've been accepted, we don't have any place to stay yet and we might not find a place to stay before classe begin in a few days," said Ranma. Nodoka looked pensive for a moment. "Ranma, do you remember anything about your cousin Rei?" "Rei?... Only vaguely. Mom, the last time I saw her, I must've been barely five years old and she was younger than me. Why do you ask?" "If my memory is correct, she has been training to be a Shinto priestess for a long time and the temple at which she works is located near that college. You could always consider asking her for a place to stay until you find your own place." "I don't know, mom. I mean, she probably doesn't even remember me either. It might be a little rude for me to pop out of nowhere and ask to crash at her place" said Ranma. "Nonsense. I'll ask her myself. I'm sure she'll agree." Ranma gave up. "All right. I hope it works." *** Later that day, at the Hikawa Shrine, Ami and Makoto were passing by for a visit when Rei's grandfather told her she had a phone call. She came back a bit flustered. Makoto noticed Rei's state immediately. "What's wrong Rei? You look kinda strange." "We speak for the first time in more than ten years and she managed to have her way in less than five minutes. How did she do it?" Rei muttered under her breath. She looked up to Makoto. "Somehow, an aunt I hadn't heard from in years managed to rope me into providing lodging for my cousin until he find an place of their own." Makoto looked at Ami, then back to Rei. "Why does he need to stay at the Shrine?" "He's going to Mizuharo University and he still hasn't found a place to stay yet, even though college starts in a few days." "What's he like?" asked Makoto, a familiar look to the Senshi coming onto her features: the boyfriend-hunting look. "Don't even think about it, Makoto, he's coming along with his girlfriend." Rei warned. Makoto's shoulders slumped, but Ami's head slowly up from the book she was reading. "What's his name?" "Ranma Saotome. The last time I saw him, he was five years old and Uncle Genma wanted to take him on a training trip." "What kind of training trip?" "Martial arts training." Makoto looked back up. "He's a martial artist too?" She started pouting. "Aww, why can't I get the good ones?..." Suddenly, she stopped and considered something. "Wait a minute... his father wanted to train him in martial arts when he was only five?" Rei nodded. "Wasn't that a little obsessive on his father's part?" inquired a slightly disbelieving Ami. Rei held up her hands defensively. "Hey, that's only what I remember. I don't even know if uncle Genma ever went ahead with the idea." "When will he arrive here?" "He'll be here tomorrow afternoon." Makoto looked at Rei. "Is it going to be a problem with our... other activities?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. Rei waved her off. "It won't really, because he'll only be staying for a little while and he'll be going to university, too. We'll just have to meet elsewhere for a while and be sure to keep quiet around him." "Where is he from, anyway?" "From Nerima." *** Nodoka turned to Ranma and Akane. "It's done! The only thing is that I said Akane was your girlfriend instead of your wife." Ranma and Akane shrugged in unison. 'It doesn't really matter anyway, since we weren't exactly planning to tell everyone we meet either." said Akane. "Not many people our age are already married, anyway" added Ranma. "Just as long as the baka remembers that he *is* married, of course" added Akane with a hint of her usual temper coming back. Ranma rolled his eyes. "How many times will I have to tell you you're the only one for me? We just got *married*, for goodness' sake!" Akane surprised him by landing a wet one on his lips. "I know. I just wanted to be sure you knew, too." Nodoka looked at the two with a Kasumi-style smile on her face. "You'd better start getting ready. I told your cousin to expect you tomorrow afternoon." "Hai!" they both said. *** Somewhere in Tokyo, a dark-green haired woman looked up from the cup of tea she was nursing. It was time she paid a visit to the two Moon cats, as per Queen Serenity's order. Soon the Senshi would know more about their past. She smiled. It was only the beginning. End Chapter 1 Chapter 2 I can be reached at